Traveling with infants
Traveling with infants
Services at the Terminal

If you are traveling with infants, Varna Airport offers facilities to accommodate your smooth journey. You can find the mother’s room in the Departures area, after the security control. This is a peaceful and comfortable place where you may take care of your children prior to boarding a flight. Those who travelling to a non-Schengen destination receive additional service from a staff member for the use of the room for mothers with children.

Diaper changing stations are also located in the restrooms in Terminal 2. ​ 


Traveling with Children or Minors Abroad 

In relation to the increasing in frequency cases of non-admittance of minors on international flights and to improve the accessibility to information for travelers, please visit the following link to information published by The General Directorate „Border Police“ for traveling abroad

The link provides more information on the following topics:

  • Traveling of minors who possess only Bulgarian Citizenship
  • Traveling of minors who possess Bulgarian Citizenship and Citizenship from another country
  • Sample Statement of Agreement text
  • Cases exempt from the requirement of a Statement of Agreement 
  • Procedure for certification of a Statement of Agreement abroad.

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